Ready Mix. Precast. IBS.
Fast Powerful Best Industry Efficient IoT Concrete Batching Plant Systems & Operation ERP Mobile App

IoT Small Lightweight & Robust
Control system built up with Raspberry Pi 4 CPU and PLC function, powerful, compact, run 24/7 and suitable for mobile plant

No More System Break down
“Hot Standby” with 2nd Raspberry control system with PLC as full backup as tiny size and lower cost comparable to windows cpu

Drive Solidly by Raspbian Linux
Powered by Raspbian Linux OS with control auto update and resilient over unstable power supply, suitable for industrial application
Profitability driven. Backend financial app.
Profound Information organisation provides practical essential technology knowledge in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, which leads to transform and empower people through business process software application to achieve maximum productivity and cost reduction, combining with MHW Keypoint having more than 25years of rich industrial automation experience in ready mixed concrete and resource planning software industry, as part of essential daily production management for the highest quality product, during the rapid development of Internet of Things era, has successfully produced IoT Concrete Batching Plant control and process system, which is designed to manage core areas in material planning, grade management, tracking of batching quality & consistency in batch production, cost management, utilization, intelligent batching process, reporting and analysis, taking your plant to the next level.

Internet of Things. Embrace IR 4.0.
High Speed

Experience Us Today…
Our Objective
As part of the journey to overcome the challenges of today’s sophisticated business processes of concrete production requirements, Keypoint have orchestrated a centralize head office System, a transaction-based, multiple plant operation, ERP cloud and web mobile native app.

Readymix Concrete Docket Delivery
Real time information tracking of docket delivery & acknowledgment by client thru listing in mobile app. Auto notification for outstanding dockets

Plant(s) Performance and Cost
Provides real time report of plant operation profit with budget variance and cost per m3 with mobile native app financial system with invoicing

IoT Weight Bridges
Auto weigh in-out, manual weigh in-out with update supplier delivery in inventory ledger in Concrete Batching plant system & multiple sites synchronise with head office system ERP

Order & Credit Control System App
Daily order with credit control in real time finance system, central approval function on mobile native app platform, also daily order tracked by salesman in app greater efficiency
Intelligent System. Big Impact.

Automated Free Fall Weighing Control
To optimize speed and precision through material target tolerance control, auto re-weigh for under weigh or auto cut for over weigh

Comprehensive Batching
Support previous batch variance compensation and immediate 2nd batch weighing once discharge complete to holding storage or mixer

Dry Mix Discharge
Multistage discharge sequence for all raw material for dry mix plant with ratio, directly into the mixer truck and weight setting option

Smart Discharge Control
Auto compensation of material weight variance to final batch for each mixer truck load for wet mix plant, discharge sequence for each raw material and aggregate compartment weighing sequence for fine weighing

Accurate Representation of Material
Material setting define the actual raw material in respective to storage compartments, silo, hopper, tank tolerance, vibrator trigger and delay time & auto control batch

Moisture Compensation
Support moisture maintenance and interface with moisture or slump probes from Hydronic and discharge target variance tolerance

“A truly amazing re-engineered of complete lifecycle concrete manufacturing plant solution, consistently deliver proven tangible result.”
Business Process Transformation

Find out how HR automation task solution value people and create opportunity for organisation to realign to capture impact and embed new capabilities
Concrete Solutions
What We Offer

Unprecedented Profitability
Combination of IoT concrete batching plant control system with plant operation management in mobile app for raw material purchase, inventory balance & costing, truck maintenance cost, driver resources, client daily order, deliveries vs process by order in %

Comprehensive Platform
Mobile app for docket return with bar code scanning tracking, quality control for raw material receiving & test cube, plant & trucks service request & approve workflow with progress status, IoT weighbridge system connected to plant inventory & operation ERP


Efficient Concrete Batching Function
Built in batch stacking truck load listing for fast queuing and continuous batching. Support docket divert with batch balance quantity used represented in new DO
Auto batch log provide material usage for batching with manual control penal without using system
Auto batch simulates dynamic mimic graphic of the batching process
Discharge setting to sequence for each raw material by stage, time & weight
Print custom docket immediately upon discharge sequence
Self-diagnostic for all critical sensors & contact point with indication of active or fail

Daily Batching Order
Order information can be retrieved from project, site, concrete grade, mix design and order quantity with updated date of supply generated by system
Batch report projected actual & target weighs, variances, residue, customer, project, grade, mix design
Batching report can be retrieved by docket no., customer, project, grade and truck
Purchase report retrieved by Good Receive Notes (GRN) no, supplier and material
Stock report - inventory ledger with raw received, usage & adjustment details
Compensate report wet mix shows variance and manual compensate
ReadyMix Concrete Digitization with Mobile App

Complete Integrated Concrete Manufacturing Operation
Batching Consistency
Intuitive point-and-click control dual display controller powered Raspberry Pi with low weighing & discharge variance of <0.5%, reliable monitoring of batching tolerance and time, outstanding production status in batching report
Docket Delivery Control
Centralise monitoring of docket delivery & acknowledgement by client thru real time tracking of dockets not return by date, plant, truck,customer, project, auto notification on overdue account reminder by email & mobile app, speed up daily reconciliation, accessible anytime, anywhere
Head Office System
Centralised or de-centralised ordering system with mobile native app integrated Financial Accounting System – invoicing, GL, AP, AR, cash flow and expenditure analysis, budgeting, procurement system, costing by weighted average, truck cost control by cost group- engine, drum, tyre, data synchronization for concrete batching plant, operation and weightbridges at multiple sites


Frequently Asked Questions
How do you overcome frequent auto update of desktop OS and incompatibility due to PLC obsolete for batching controller?
The ultimate IoT Raspberry Pi platform with integrated PLC resolved incompatibility issue for batching controller while desktop autoupdate issue overcome thru the resilient Raspbian Linux OS with truly control OS update, suitable for industrial application part of IR 4.0.
What is the contingency plan to overcome down time for concrete batching plant systems for immediate uptime?
With the latest computing power of IoT platform, Raspberry Pi control systems, which is small, light robust, lower cost, while is suitable for mobile plant, backup standby of second set of control system can implemented, to overcome more costly normal desktop, which is sensitive dust & fragile power system.
Can the concrete batching systems be customized to fit the batching plant?
With more than 25 years’ experience of automix concrete batching process and more than 200 retrofit system for wetmix concrete batching plants of varying design, we provide feasibility study upon information of the current batching plant, working to have successful system integrated, with guarantee to have consistent quality and track plant profitability!
Can enterprise have real-time visibility on the major cost component on concrete plant operation?
Keypoint ERP native mobile app with off line feature and modular component such raw material purchase request & process approval workflow, also applicable to plant & mixer truck service, micro mixer truck cost control by cost group, e.g. engine, drum, tire, battery and other custom cost type. With critical module, QC, plant daily resources – truck status, drivers status, stock balance, order, customer assistant app- order, delivery, account overdue, in part of business process efficiency strategy.
Do you provide on going hand-holding after the completion of implementation?
Helping our customer is the highest priority, we journey with client and grow with your organisation.We are most delighted to see you experience success!!!
Do you provide flexible payment option?
Yes, Keypoint web cloud mobile app solution give you option and flexibility in payment, depend on what you need. We still provide option to own the software depend on your organisation’s policy.
Used by Leading Companies
Strong Mixed Concrete Sdn Bhd
Hailek Concrete
Readymix Group Ltd (Asia)
Vietnam Brunei Indonesia
Unimix Concrete
Kota Kinabalu
Uniquemix Concrete Sdn Bhd
QC Concrete
Across Multiple Region
Jinsan Concrete
Unimix Concrete
Kota Kinabalu
BQ Concrete
CMS Concrete
FJ Concrete & Piles
AB Concrete
Who We Are
We are an organisation revitalised the way of life, transforming the experience thru fundamental knowledge value, leveraging in technology, in creating a greater and new image of society.

Joseph loi
Strategy & Marketing
Being collaborative, flexible, and user-focused, the principle of agile framework that is a raging heart in modern architecture, that can make a company successfully leap into a recurring pattern of success in the journey of digitization. Experience shows that the leading influential force that move up the power curve is in fact a step up–function improvement in productivity thru a chain of bold, courageous initiatives, in a multiple interconnected functional pillars that reinforce each other, therefore create thrusts that cumulatively propel continuously change.

Chat with us, we are glad to help
Reach Us
Solving today’s problems for a better tomorrow.
Profound Information
Address: Lot 337, 3rd Floor,
Section 9 Rubber Road, KTLD,
93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia