Best Enterprise
Business Process Mobile App

Once upon a time, enterprise business process mobile app only served the large corporation and business, but because of technology advancement in programming platform, and cloud technology, small and medium company, can have opportunity to serve clients better and seeing much greater returns on investment, thanks to mobile apps!. Profound Information is a trustworthy knowledge and business application solution provider in Kuching, Sarawak, synergies with Keypoint, top value enterprise business app solution provider in Malaysia.


Speed of Mobile App

No matter how you think and strategize, at the end of the day, is how fast conversion can happen in business and how much profit can be created. Mobile App is mostly 1.6times faster than websites and they are quick to act. Apps keep their data locally on device, therefore data retrieval happens fast enough, a snap of finger!


Customized Content

Most of the time, users empowered by highly customized content or information according to the business nature and process. User personalisation is important in delivering an immersive experience, this create stickiness!. Marketing based on personalisation such as ie. location and segmentation is possible now, thanks to App.


Online and Offline Access

Most app has flash access via a touch on screen! Vital information can be stored locally in mobile device and be accessed offline, a true plus advantage. Offline feature is the most noticeable difference between an app and a mobile website, whilst in online mode, payment and notifications can only happen. 

We Create Top Value Enterprise Business Process Mobile App so that Organisation can have Real Time Insight in their Business Anywhere

On the edge of the paradigm shift, with the emerging of mobile app technology platform, path a new way to innovate creatively, sustain the renew attitude and the ability to reignite the momentum and ultimately inspire how their products or services can make a difference in the world.



Finance infor

client engagement


Are you ready for Industry 4.0?


Industry 4.0 involves reinvention & digitization thru one of the contributing technology pillars, mobile device & app, and integration of the vertical processes across the entire organization internal processes ie. in product development and services, which also includes horizontal external operations from suppliers to customers inclusive of all the key value chain partners

As the world complexity is going at unimaginable quantum, so as the movement of every part of the business process in any industry segment, the factor of success is dependent upon leveraging on the app technology in many angle and perspectives, customer engagement, internal & external efficiency, business insight, business intelligent, business lead, and social magnet. The new approach has proven effective in increasing customer engagement, repeated sales, and client retention.




Top Proven Business Process Mobile App in Practical Industry Environment

Since the inception of Keypoint 25years ago, the business process application have undergone years of development.  With the invasion of internet over the society, we have become more connected thru the digital platform, and the passion of technology, has allowed us to develop business process  and resource management mobile app. Our business process mobile app covers every industry, with some of the stable app in use ie. concrete batching, property, asset, construction, trading, kiosk, plantation, asset management, document workflow management and it covers every aspect of the segment of the business process and resources.

Adopting the Agile Framework, Building Proven Efficiency

Keypoint enterprise business process and business resources management mobile app, one of the true top application that combine in house financial modules with the regulatory compliance, undergoing extensive practical real business process with many industry knowledge, combine with the powerful functionality of native mobile application, it comes with the light weight processing nature, and build on the culture of continuous improvement, by the passionate technology people with more than 25 years of experience. The level of services can be scaled based on the expansion in your business operation and when required, to help keep budget under control.



Database Migrated

client track record


client retention

finance accounting

customer engagement

Performance dashboard

digital operation

project progress

logo in appstore

Powering Up your Mobile Presence

Organization is constantly finding ways to staying focused on what matters most to their clients. They placed great focus on the opportunities that create new kinds of experiences for their organisation internally and their clients.Truly great organization recognizes that having a mission and purpose inspires workers and customers alike, therefore mobile app platform set an organization apart thru building of their corporate brand that create social significance, which broadcasts and multiplies.


Find out how HR automation task solution create opportunity for organisation to realign to capture impact and embed new capabilities


All clients need a way to reach to the business, such as product information, special promotion, booking & order, work progress, accounts information, helpdesk, feedback & rating, which can communicate back efficiently thru the mobile app.


Extensive knowledge and insight of internal process is valuable  for the organisation resulted in excellent improvement productivity, workforce monitoring, services, project progress, KPI reporting, real time data driven decision making, anywhere anytime, anydevices!


Enhance your business recognition, in the rebranding process, with corporate logo in Apps store when using a mobile app. Besides, app platform can allow configurable access to relevant parties, ie. customer, consultants, supplier, public.

We Build For the All of the Segment and Functions in Various Industry


Project tracking


HR workflow

club & membership

Real Estate 



Community portal





Facility management

Payment Gateway

Asset Managment

Material trading


Visitor management


A Proven Market Leader in Business Process Application

Today, Keypoint enterprise resources planning and business process mobile app has emerged to be one of the market leaders for software application app solution inclusive of finance accounting module, which features self services thru app and in local practical environment, it has grown to become a framework of building blocks app for all segment in the industry.


Taking the concrete batching plant operation to a whole New mobile app platform with productivity status anywhere anytime!

How does an Enterprise Mobile App Increase Value in an organisation?

Enterprise Mobile App provides powerful intelligent efficiency and real-time data anywhere, any time, truly accelerated performance, make inform decision and the ability to increase visibility to clients at all times.

Building a Successful Business with Proven Enterprise Mobile App

Our success lie in our basic humanity value that feature openness and trustworthy, align the organization that cooperate with us to an unprecedented level of collaboration and the combination of our rich experience that we have undergone with the loyal community that give the true meaning of our works, leading to the continuous success of development of various Enterprise business process and resources management solution that transforms the way we undergone the challenges in business situation in this work space.

Our Design & Development of Business App

Thru many years of discovery, we take courage to be in the situation, where challenges emerged, and by fundamental logic utilizing technology, drive relevant changes that impact life and organization.


Client Analysis

Hear client business pain staking situation. Provide insight and functionalities that able to simulate solution more accurately. Share experience and knowledge.


Design Process

Define the business processes requirement and business objective. Conduct data migration and system preparation. Incorporate industry best practice on the design.



Configure business process in app. Review defined objective, process, analysed output. System trial run and testing. Run and simulate different scenario and document the output.



System walk thru. Provide effective hand-on training. Review defined objective, process, analysed output, acceptance and fine tuning. System go live and close monitoring.


Have you ever think how COVID19 pandemic has thought us about money savings,  Find out the staggering statistic in Malaysia and how it impacts our way of life forever!

Enterprise Business Process Mobile App Powerful Practical Functionality

group reminder


lead management

order status

Account aging

Sales kit

Order & booking


sales performance

sales empowerment

agent management

Flexible and Wide Mobile Applications Usage

Besides being one of the market leaders for software application, Keypoint a premier business process mobile app has great flexibility with build to fit to the client business process in a complete business life-cycle, regardless of what industry you are in.

One of the distinguish Keypoint unique advantage, is the ability to merge the revolutionary self-service financial accounting system into the business process and resource management mobile app, which is critical to business fundamental, now real time financial information can stand part of business intelligence module, working cohesively with the other critical business process, to produce a great insight analysis of internal operation of the business process in the organisation.





of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones in 2018


internet usage is expected to have been mobile in 2019


Mobile apps have higher engagement rates than mobile-optimized websites or desktop web viewing

Sources: CleverTap, Business2Community, Statista

Productivity Improvement and Interactive Engagement

Keypoint enterprise business process mobile app provides powerful functionality and real-time data anywhere, any time. Improved productivity – edocument, process workflow and make informed decisions – no more guesswork!!.

Imagine an Enterprise Business Process Mobile app that can allow instant push notifications and non-intrusive reminder and tracking on important business process across internal team and endorsed business partner, that is big plus point!, and lead to a major productivity boost and cost saving in term of duplicate information broadcast. This is one of the many reasons why enterprises and business may utilize a business app. 


product information

flash promotion

delivery notes

staff attendance

mobile invoice

feedback & refferel

loyalty program

payment gateway

staff claim

expenses claim

Strategic Enterprise Resources Planning and Business Operation App 

Sales Empowerment App

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Sales Quotation & Sales Kit
  • Online Reservation & Order
  • Project Progress update
  • Order Status
  • Sales Performance
  • Inventory Balance
  • Collection & Aging
  • Delivery & Return
  • Define Customized Process

Customer Engagement App

  • Ticketing Inquiry/Issues
  • Direct Feedback & Comment
  • Direct Product & Services Information
  • Analytic based Segmentation Marketing
  • Payment Gateway
  • Royalty Program & Refer
  • Online Order & Delivery Status
  • Statement of Account
  • Social Platform ie. in App Message
  • Define Customized Process

Operation and Productivity App

  • Finance and Accounting
  • Cash Flow Forecast
  • eDocument Finance, Procurement 
  • Design Drawing by Consultant workflow
  • NCR by Consultant & Contractor workflow
  • KPI & Dashboard
  • Internal Process Approval Workflow
  • Purchase Order 3 way matching
  • Sales Commission Scheme & Rates
  • Staff Attendance Mobile Anywhere
  • Staff Task Planner and Goal Mgt
  • Staff Timesheet Work from Home
  • Staff Measurement and Monitoring
  • Staff Claim
  • Asset Tracking QR code
  • Define Customized Process

Some Effective Practical App..

Property Management App

Keypoint Enterprise Resources Planning App

Property developer App

Digital Business Models, and Data Access

How Transforming the Way of Data Collection, impact the organisation?

Long ago whether taking Plantation census or collecting Asset information, it is done thru using a notepad and pen. With the smart factory and digital revolution, integrating renew methods of data collection and analysis, the combination of QR tag, RFID tag , sensors, people can connect and communicate with each other via mobile device and app, as a result, output can delivered at great speed.

How Enterprise Business App affects the user experience in the current society?

Enterprise mobile app has unique interfaces that allow users to experience two-way immersive experience. They can share a photo capture on important point, flow it to relevant parties involve, they can remark along in each layer of communication.


Productivity and Census

Resource Assignment can be sorted by estate and block in plantation, in off line mode. 


Productivity and Census

Fixed Asset sighting can be performed and Infor retrieved timely and efficiently based on location and other parameter. 


Next Frontier of Business App

Productivity, Business 

Club Management App

Administration & Finance

Member Access
Club Facilities Booking
Payment Gateway
Statement of Account
Update Information
Petty Cash
Financial Accounting (Basic)


Admin & Productivity
Work Request
Work Order
Preventive Maintenance
Inventory (basic)

Registration Management

Productivity & Infor

Block or Unit
Bulletin Board
Approval of entry
Feedback Rating


Employee Schedule

Team COM


Purchase Req
Approve Reject


Sales Chart
Sales by Salesman
Project Progress

Services Tracking

Service Request
Service Schedule
Service Staff Assignment
Service Status Report


Concrete Batching
Ready Mix
Raw Material Purchase
Plant Daily Resources
Docket Return Control
Plant & Truck Service Request
Credit Control
Customer Information


Characteristics & Design Principles of Business App

Native mobile app has true unique advantage when you program the app in utilizing the wonderful feature of a native mobile device, they can use feature like camera to can scan QR and barcode, GPS to connect with maps, in catering for the remote staff attendance tracking. Current powerful mobile device features can significantly reduce the time users take to initiate and perform an action and clearly change the way a user interacts with the device and enterprise mobile business process application.

Reliability App developement

Our business process application have undergone 25 years of development by passionate people striving for excellence the industry, which focus on improving life and sparks customer enthusiasm

Profesional & Ethical

We fulfil our promises to customers and keep confidential any information concerning customers, partners, and their companies, co-operate with individuals and organisations cohesively


Our value lies in our ability to be proactively inform and provide important product solutions update in a timely and openly manner, which set the fundamental of relationship based on trust

Business app can be scaled

Our business process app can be scaled to meet company’s required needs and budget, and scale upward, add functional modules, when there is an increase in business activities and expansion

cloud framework

High cost server, database, server operating system, and security are Not required, resulted in zero hardware maintenance cost, ZERO worry on app solution update, strive to excellence in their industry

Helpsdesk & support

Good support is important to have sustainable establishment. To ensure knowledge transfer and support is successful, we provide dedicated consultant in charge with mobile contact 

App Off-line capable

We understand that being always connected is a basic requirement in business. However, certain location is remote without connection. Our app can operate under offline environment and synchronized when connection is available

Flexible and Greater Control

Our App is flexible in configuration and with greater control. This truly make it adaptable to any business process in an organisation, and digital transformation goal is even nearer to achieve and to standout among the crowd!

business insight

Our proven experience of business process flow from various industry practical scenario pertaining to finance, cost and expenses, operation, trading, project, property, accumulated over years, participated in the shift in evolution of technologies.

Notification thru App

To have alerts in every part of business process starting from prospecting, sales confirmation, service delivery, outstanding, performance, finance, team notification by group, complete customized to your structure of organization is a game changer!

KeyPoint Enterprise Business Process App

Nothing great is ever achieved without enduring much, the future starts today, not tomorrow

Build a Lasting Business

Quest for customer satisfaction is a never-ending process, and constant modification is required as customers’ needs revolve all the time. By incorporating disruptive digital modified business, not only customers’ needs can be fulfilled, but a multi-level service and profiling can be achieved and flow continuously thru the invasive technology, which in this context is for the good.


Everything Starts With a Rock Solid Business Process and Resources Management Digitization

An enterprise business process app helps keep your organisation internal process flow smoothly and efficiently. Building an efficient organisation and sustaining a winning organisation is a lifetime effort! The enterprise business process app help tracks and get things done utilizing the power of mobility. When the activity and resources can be tracked, analysis can lead to informed decision anywhere, anytime.

Do you ever need to purchase license for any business process app solution?

You do not need to own software and maintain hardware server, operating system and software maintenance cost.You subscribe based on what you need.

Do you provide practical business process adoption peak performance finding at $0 cost?

Let us know how we can get you started, which stage of business process giving you the most pain. We are here to help.We can provide simulation “what if”.

Is the migration of database from existing system created complication in our app?

We completed more than 100+ companies data migration and it can range from master file to detail transaction seamlessly.It can be done in over short period and be verified.

Do you provide on going hand-holding after the completion of implementation?

Helping our customer is the highest priority, we journey with client and grow with your organisation.The journey started when you not yet started using our app and when you read thru our powerful insight here! We are most delighted to see you experience success!

Is the business process app highly modular, efficient and user friendly?

One can get started with any one module and expand as business needs increase. Any one who use any phone will know how to operate the business process and resources management software app.

Our Rockstar Developers Are Business Application Veterans

The journey of easing of business pain starts today, get a head start will set you further apart. A visual sight of the internal process, created a personalized organisation engagement to your customers, increased recognition, simply putting your organisation solution at their fingertip at all time! 

installation and maintenance experience

Some Track Record


Glomac Bina Sdn

Suria Residence

MKH Construction Sdn Bhd

Saradise Sdn Bhd


Mid Valley Signature Office

Gamuda Walk

Crenscendor Construction

Dream City

Client Engagement

Gamuda Land Berhad

Malton Berhad

Perdana Parkcity Sdn Bhd

Tropicana Berhad

Who We Are

We are an organisation revitalised the way of life, transforming the experience thru fundamental knowledge value, leveraging in technology, in creating a greater and new image of society.   

Joseph loi

Joseph loi

Strategy and Marketing

Being collaborative, flexible, and user-focused, the principle of agile framework that is a raging heart in modern architecture, that can make a company successfully leap into a recurring pattern of success in the journey of digitization. Experience shows that the leading influential force that move up the power curve is in fact a step up–function improvement in productivity thru a chain of bold, courageous initiatives, in a multiple interconnected functional pillars that reinforce each other, therefore create thrusts that cumulatively propel continuously change.

Already Know the Details of Your Business Process?

Leverage on the framework on IR 4.0, which is light weight and optimized for high speed data access. Are you ready to custom configure your business process powering thru enterprise mobile app to be part of the outstanding high growth organisation at the lowest cost?

quality assurance

Uncompromise Satisfaction

9/5 Premium Support

All our solution is back up by many years of experience support consultants, who has been in the company for more than 10 years. Best of all we provide response to “how to” posted by client who has engaged with us.

Bank of Resources

We love what we do and to serve you is our delight. Our team of consultants helps to provide knowledge and commitment, which our company is built on, strong experience couple with strong technology foundation.

Keep in Touch

We are thrill to have you join us for industry insights, that spark a fire inside, get you started to a whole new experience in your journey, in whatever state you are..

We would like

to hear from you!!

Reach Us

What can we get you started with today?
Profound Information
Address: Lot 337, 3rd Floor, Section 9 Rubber Road, KTLD, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel: 012-887 9912

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