Best Web Technology and Top Resources Management Application software solution
About USProfound Information a great trusted Web Technology, Resources Management Application app software company and the latest embedded financial planning and management services in relating to realizing a desired financial goal and successful lifestyle retirement life, together with proven tips, strong technology platform and reliable support, which provides top and good quality client services with successful track record in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
The true proven effective solutions include the Divi visual web pagebuilder All in One suite of Digital Marketing Platform, and revolutionary One Enterprise Mobile App ERP optimized for all industry and segment such as Human Resources, Property Sales and Administration, Business Process Resources Management, plantation, project management and cater functionalities such as CRM, Finance, process workflow, and e-document. Besides, built on the fundamental of technology company, we placed as important emphasize on IT infrastructure, such as Cloud Infrastructure backup and disaster Recovery software, and data and system security and Information Technology infrastructure solution, which can be scaled and used by hundred of enterprise for business continuity.
Our culture
Fundamental Humanity Value
01. reliability
Our software solutions that we have synergised, have undergone years of development, which focus on improving life and sparks customer enthusiasm, which result in the creation of passionate people, which striving for excellence in their industry.
02. Professional
Our organisation obeys law and all concluded contracts, and co-operate with individuals and organisations that follow the same principle. We fulfil our promises to customers and keep confidential any information concerning customers, partners, and their companies.
Our value lies in our ability to be proactively inform, provide important product solutions update in a timely and openly manner, which set the fundamental of relationship based on trust. We acted fairly with our client and business partner, which lay the corner stone of corporate success.
Our strengths give us the framework for leadership, innovation in development organisation and success & meaningful collaboration with suppliers, the way we approach all aspects of our business and
clients that we engage
and Our advantages
Resource of Trustworthy Industry Experiences
Profound Information blogs, a great trusted source of experience powerhouse, for the organizations seeking a deep sense of a way out from the challenging environment, from their business financial planning & money management, business processes in all segment such as human resources, property development sales admin and Management, construction, many more industry, data and system security , and cloud infrastructure backup & disaster recovery software solution. As society grows more open and market becoming for competitive, there is a need to search for way to broadcast information effective, we provide knowledge and framework for visual design web page builder all in one digital marketing platform for the ordinary people with non-skill level.
Great Pool of
will determine where we can be
and Our Solutions
Our financial planning and business solution have been created with practical and logical reasoning, encompassed with rich users’ experiences incorporating the industry and life process flow.

Financial Planning & Management Private Early Retirement Proven Income Platform
We provide information on the greatest flexibility on financial planning and money management, customized to individual and corporate financial goal, indeed a proven platform combining a regulated finance entity and solid, fast technology platform, which is the catalyst in driving a successful management of higher rate return of individual financial goals, whether it is retirement planning or early retirement income, and on other corporate segment, it enhances corporate business financial management, through a proven ways towards building a solid financial foundation.

Top Function Human Resources Management System
Best value Human Resources Management System has the most complete popular Human Resources modules with great flexibility in customization, which is excellent for organization, who are looking to grow from fundamental to complete functional efficiency as organisation expand above and beyond in Malaysia.

Cloud Infrastructure Backup and DR
One of the most flexible and affordable Cloud Infrastructure backup and disaster recovery services, which feature one price with unlimited software technology to mitigate risk of system failure thru flawless backup, replication for different levels of recovery inclusive of true provider for cloud disaster recovery services.

Divi Visual Web design pageBuilder All in One Digital Marketing Platform
In a true competitive digital world, a well evaluated web tool, such as Divi Visual web pagebuilder, an efficient outstanding simply drag and drop web element web visual editor offers the best in design flexibility, an accurate and sharply design content elements, feature with real time design –“view design instantly”. Besides, the Divi visual web pagebuilder is created with amazing fast loading speed, one of top important consideration in website design. Divi Visual web pagebuilder plateform has been audited and secured by one of the prominent web security company. The well-structured program of the Divi visual pagebuilder gives a true smooth user experience, and the well responsive support experience is a critical success factor in building website. Instantly kick start your web design process with drag and drop to easily organize your content from a bird’s eye view. With 850+ premium pre-made layout pages that ship with the Divi visual webpage builder, start adding it to your website, creating and publishing it right away! The Divi visual web page builder comes adaptability with all important function such as campaign email deliverer and social sharing mechanism, a perfect start to grow and share your idea to the world.

Data Security
What makes a good value data security suite? With averagely attacks happening at the application layer, it is important for organizations to ensure that they have the right tools to protect them. It begins with accessing the value of information assets, then identifying the risk factor or security threats and working out ongoing plan to manage the threat in timely manner. People, behaviour, culture play a part in O&M (Operation & Maintenance), are the keys to effective & productive, secure IT infrastructure environment.

Enterprise Business Process Native Mobile App
Explore the platform that build great corporate brand in organisation and shape the mindset of new workforce, the energy that connect organisation thru a deep, effective way of analyzing and simplifying the complex business process and with a broad range of industry insight, build efficient organisation productivity, allows the customer to engage continuously. Find out how top function business process mobile app can help align the organization’s performance goal, re-valuate resources gather and create a true insight in the organisation.

Next Generation Concrete Batching Plant systems with complete Plant Operation Cloud ERP mobile App
Experience the latest high performance processor Internet of Things (IoT), in a tiny Raspberry Pi 4 computing power that operate concrete batching plant systems combine with batching control systems in a dual screen IoT reengineer IoT processing unit integrated with important component of concrete production lifecycle, IoT weighbridge system which synchronises with the modular plant operation with plant inventory & operation ERP in mobile app that deliver tangible value, complete with quality control test cube, plant daily resources management incorporate daily order app, e-docket management, invoicing, procurement, concrete financial accounting, mixer truck cost services and management

Property Solution System with Mobile App Technology
Keypoint software App, a market leader in the property industry for managing property development and construction. Keypoint features Property Management System software App, Property Developer Sales & Admin software App, Property Construction Mobile App and all integrated thru Property Financial Accounting System ERP in Malaysia.
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A deep, effective way of analysing and to simplify the complex business process and with a broad range of industry insight, allows the customer to engage continuously and feeling a sense of accomplishment in the journey.
our principal
Behind the New Mindset of New Workforce
Unique culture
Our unique culture, being patience, openness and creative, act on our own initiative, determine in the pursue of goal, we continue to strive for continuous improvement.
Client dedications
Brilliant solution
Credible Suppliers
Diverse and Sustainability of Alliances
Excellence qualities
Find out how HR automation task solution create opportunity for organisation to realign to capture impact and embed new capabilities
The Journey
Begin Here
future starts today, not tomorrow
our mission
Making an Impact Across the Continent
With the precise analysed business processes in place, the software solution can grants visibility that improved operational efficiency, that has the capacity to access centralized information, makes informed decisions, eliminated guessing works and prevent massive cost overrun.
Who We Are
We are an organisation revitalised the way of life, transforming the experience thru fundamental knowledge value, leveraging in technology, in creating a greater and new image of society.

Joseph loi
Strategy & Marketing
Being collaborative, flexible, and user-focused, the principle of agile framework that is a raging heart in modern architecture, that can make a company successfully leap into a recurring pattern of success in the journey of digitization. Experience shows that the leading influential force that move up the power curve is in fact a step up–function improvement in productivity thru a chain of bold, courageous initiatives, in a multiple interconnected functional pillars that reinforce each other, therefore create thrusts that cumulatively propel continuously change.
Uncompromise Satisfaction
9/5 Premium Support
All our solution is back up by many years of experience support consultants, who has been in the company for more than 10 years. Best of all we provide response to “how to” posted by client who has engaged with us.
Bank of Resources
We love what we do and to serve you is our delight. Our team of consultants helps to provide knowledge and commitment, which our company is built on, strong experience couple with strong technology foundation.
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We are thrill to have you join us for industry insights, that spark a fire inside, get you started to a whole new experience in your journey, in whatever state you are..
We would like
to hear from you!!
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What can we get you started with today?
Profound Information
Address: Lot 337, 3rd Floor, Section 9 Rubber Road, KTLD, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel: 012-887 9912